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The following commands can be used by any user.

Commands Arguments Usage
/verify verify on the server
/delete_user_data delete all the data from the user

The following commands can only be used by an administrator

Commands Arguments Usage
/help get instructions on how to use the bot
/status - returns whether the bot is properly configured or not
/domains (domain name) () -> returns registered domains
(domain name) -> register given domain
/removedomain domain name remove registered domain
/button channel,message, buttontext creates a button in the channel with the message and button text
/message channel,message sends a message to the channel to which the user can add a reaction to start the verification process
/verifymessage (message) () -> resets to default verify message
(message) -> set custom verify message
/verifiedrole (verified role name) () -> returns the name of the verified role
(verified role name) -> set the role name for the verified role
/unverifiedrole (unverified role name) () -> returns the name of the unverified role
(unverified rolename) -> set the role name for the unverified role
(current unverified rolename) -> deactivates unverified role
/language language set language for the user interactions
/add_unverified_on_join enable (enable/disable) -> automatically adds the unverified role to every new user
/verify_on_join enable (enable/disable) -> automatically asks every new member to verify
/delete_server_data delete all the data from the server
/set_log_channel (logchannel) () -> disable log channel
(log channel) -> set log channel
/blacklist (emails) () -> returns a comma-separated list of emails that are blocked from being verified
(emails) -> set a comma-separated list of emails that are blocked from being verified

react := react to the message with an emoji

The unverified role can be used to make a channel visible in which the message is located

The EmailBot role has to be higher in the role hierarchy then the verified and unverified role else -> Cant find roles. Please contact the admin! error
